JOSR: Journal of Social Research
November 2022, 1 (12), 623-633
p-ISSN: 2827-9832 e-ISSN: 2828-335x
Available online at http://
Fitra Azli, Dahlan, Ramlan, Erniyanti, Fadlan
Postgraduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, University of Batam
Abstract (Indonesia)
November 15, 2022
November 18, 2022
November 20, 2022
Latar Belakang: Indonesia adalah negara hukum dan tidak
didasarkan pada kekuasaan belaka, semua kekuasaan negara
diatur oleh hukum. Hukum pidana adalah aturan untuk
melakukan ketertiban umum dengan melarang apa yang
bertentangan dengan hukum dan memberikan pesan kepada
mereka yang melanggar larangan tersebut. Untuk menegakkan
hukum pidana materiil diperlukan hukum formal (hukum acara
pidana). Penanganan perkara pidana pada prinsipnya berasal dari
penyidikan, penyidikan, penuntutan, dan diakhiri dengan putusan
hakim. Pada tahap penyidikan, penyidik berwenang menahan
tersangka yang pelaksanaannya diatur dalam KUHAP untuk
mewujudkan kepastian hukum.
Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis secara yuridis
kewenangan penyidik dalam penahanan tersangka pidana untuk
mewujudkan kepastian hukum.
Metode: Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian hukum
normatif dan empiris. Penelitian hukum normatif dilakukan
penilaian melalui studi pustaka dan data sekunder. Penelitian
empiris menggunakan data primer, yaitu data yang diperoleh
dari hasil penelitian langsung yang dilakukan melalui
Hasil: Hasil penelitian tentang kewenangan penyidik dalam
menahan tersangka tindak pidana diatur pasal 20 ayat (1)
KUHAP. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi antara lain takut
tersangka melarikan diri, merusak/menghilangkan barang bukti
dan/atau mengulangi tindak pidana. Pertimbangan lain tersangka
adalah target operasi, tempat tinggal tersangka yang jauh tidak
jelas, tersangka melakukan tindak pidana yang menjadi perhatian
pimpinan, kasus yang terjadi telah diberitakan oleh media massa
dan mendapat perhatian luas dari masyarakat. Konsekuensi
hukum yang dihadapi penyidik dalam menjalankan kewenangan
menahan tersangka adalah gugatan praperadilan.
Fitra Azli, Dahlan, Ramlan, Erniyanti, Fadlan / JOSR: Journal of Social Research, 1(12), 623-
Kesimpulan : Konsekuensi hukum dari tindakan penyidik Polri
dalam menjalankan kewenangannya atas penahanan tersangka,
bahwa dalam melakukan penahanan tetap harus memperhatikan
hak-hak tersangka, dan tersangka dapat mengajukan permohonan
Kata Kunci: Kewenangan Penyidik, Penahanan, Tersangka
Abstract (English)
Background: Indonesia is a country of law and is not based on
mere power, all state power is governed by law. Criminal law
is the rule of conducting a public order by prohibiting what is
contrary to the law and giving a message to those who violate
the prohibition. To enforce material criminal law requires
formal law (criminal procedural law). The handling of criminal
cases in principle comes from investigation, investigation,
prosecution, and ends with a judge's ruling. At the investigation
stage, the investigator is authorized to detain suspects whose
implementation is regulated in the Criminal Procedure Code to
realize legal certainty.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to juridically analyze the
authority of investigators in the detention of criminal suspects
to realize legal certainty.
Methods: The author uses normative and empirical legal
research methods. Normative legal research by conducting
studies through literature studies and secondary data.
Empirical research using primary data, namely data obtained
from the results of direct research conducted through
Results: The results of the research on the authority of the
investigator in detaining suspects of criminal acts regulated by
article 20 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code.
Influencing factors include fearing that the suspect will flee,
tamper with/remove evidence and/or repeat criminal acts.
Other considerations of the suspect are the target of the
operation, the suspect where he lives is far away is unclear, the
suspect committed a criminal act that is the attention of the
leadership, the case that occurred has been reported by the
mass media and has received widespread attention from the
public. The legal consequence faced by investigators in
exercising the authority to detain suspects is a pretrial lawsuit.
Conslusion: The legal consequence of the actions of the Police
investigator in exercising his authority over the detention of
suspects, that in carrying out detention, they must still pay
attention to the rights of suspects, and suspects can apply for
Fitra Azli, Dahlan, Ramlan, Erniyanti, Fadlan / JOSR: Journal of Social Research, 1(12), 623-
Keywords: Authority to Investigate, Detention, Suspects.
*Correspondent Author: Fitra Azli
The Indonesian state is a state of law and is not based on mere power, all state
power is governed by law. All his attitudes, behaviors, and deeds must be lawful. The
source of law is the sense of law that exists in society itself (Khambali, 2014). Good state
administration is government based on good legal arrangements (Prasetyo, 2014).
In the literature of criminal law, according to the purely normative nature of
thought, the talk of criminals will be bumped at a paradoxal point of opposition, namely
that criminals on the one hand are held to protect one's interests, but on the other hand it
turns out to rape the interests of someone else by giving punishment in the form of suffering
to someone who is convicted (Priyatna, 2006).
Sudarto said criminal is a nestapa by the state to a person who violates the
provisions of the criminal law, deliberately to be perceived as a nestapa (Sudarto &
Criminal, 1986). Roeslan Saleh stated that criminality is a reaction to delik and this is in
the form of a state deliberately inflictedon the makers of the delik itu (Roeslan, 1987). To
enforce material criminal law requires formal law (criminal procedural law). The Criminal
Procedure Code (KUHAP), contained in the Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 76 Supplement to the Statute Book Number 3209, to replace HIR.
Criminal procedural law is a law that regulates how to maintain and maintain
material criminal law and regulates ways of adjudicating cases before a criminal court by
a criminal judge. As stipulated in the Criminal Procedure Code, it acts as the main
investigator of the Criminal Procedure Code in the criminal justice system.
Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the Police of the Republic of Indonesia, in
Articles 13 and 14 outlines the functions and roles of the National Police, namely: Article
14 (1) letter g makes the substance of the details of the duties of the National Police in the
field of investigation and investigation of criminal acts in accordance with the Criminal
Procedure Code and other laws and regulations.
Article 20 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code states: For the purposes
of investigation, the investigator or auxiliary investigator at the behest of the investigator
as referred to in Article 11 is authorized to make detentions. Article 1 number 21 of the
Criminal Procedure Code specifies, that detention is the placement of a suspect or
defendant in a certain place by an investigator or public prosecutor or judge with his
opinion, in the case and in the manner provided for in this law.
Detention is a form of deprivation of one's freedom of movement. Therefore,
detention should be carried out if necessary once. Errors in detention can result in fatal
things for many parties including restraints (Hamzah, 2001).
In the criminal justice process, whether or not a suspect can be detained is due to
the possibility of law enforcement officers according to Article 21 paragraph (4) namely:
That the suspect does not run away, remove goods, and repeat the act. In the Criminal Code,
an act of detention may also be a criminal offense punishable by a maximum of eight years
in prison as threatened in some articles of the Criminal Code, which threatens the criminal
act of unlawful detention of persons, or contrary to the provisions of the law. Therefore,
with the issuance of the Criminal Procedure Code, law enforcement officials in the criminal
justice process must be more careful and selective in carrying out detention (Sahetapi,
Fitra Azli, Dahlan, Ramlan, Erniyanti, Fadlan / JOSR: Journal of Social Research, 1(12), 623-
Article 22 of the Criminal Procedure Code states that there are 3 types of detention
of suspects or defendants, namely state detention centers,house arrests and city detention
centers. Detention of suspects or defendants is transferable to the type of detention. The
official authorized to transfer the type of detention is the investigator or public prosecutor
or judge.
Article 31 of the Criminal Procedure Code provides for the suspension of detention,
that at the request of the suspect or defendant, the investigator or public prosecutor or judge,
in accordance with their respective authorities, may hold a suspension of detention with or
without bail of money or bail of persons, under specified conditions. The official authorized
to suspend a suspect or defendant is an investigator or public prosecutor or judge in
accordance with their respective authorities in their detention. Because between the official
authorized to make or not to make detention, transfer of the type of detention, and
suspension of detention of the suspect or defendant is in one institution or institution, it
provides an opportunity for the authorized official to detain, transfer the type of detention,
suspend the detention to commit deviation by making the detention of the suspect or
defendant arbitrarily or even beyond the authority. .
Normative juridical research refers to laws and regulations using skunder data.
While empirical research is field research using primary data.
In a juridical-empirical approach, normative law or written legislation is primary
data that is used as a fundamental reference in the course of research, because it becomes
a guideline for searching for data in the field, namely how people implement the rules of
written invitations that have been set in their lives.
Data Sources
The main data source in this study is the reality that occurs, the rest is additional
data such as documents and others. This study used primary data sources and secondary
data. Primary data sources are taken from communities where there is detention of suspects.
Secondary data sources in this study were obtained from various sources, such as library
materials, literature, documents, statutory associations, legal journals or scientific bulletins,
newspapers and various scientific papers published in accordance with this research topic,
namely the detention of suspects.
Data Collection Methods
To obtain the data carried out in the preparation of this study , it is carried out by:
1. Library Research
The literature research in question is to obtain theoretical data and reading
materials, namely, by reading scientific books, the opinions of scholars and reading the
laws and regulations on which the law is based.
2. This field research is intended to obtain primary data, namely by interviewing both
informants and respondents, namely:
a. Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the
Barelang Police.
b. 2 (two) Auxiliary Investigators at the Barelang
Police Criminal Investigation Unit.
c. 2 (two) suspects.
Data Analysis
Data processing is carried out by analyzing data qualitatively, which is described
systematically so as to answer the overall problem with the results of the research
constructed in a conclusion.
Fitra Azli, Dahlan, Ramlan, Erniyanti, Fadlan / JOSR: Journal of Social Research, 1(12), 623-
Research is qualitatively based on assumptions about reality or phenomena of a
complex nature. Where there is regularity in a certain pattern with full diversity. Qualitative
data analysis was carried out on primary and secondary data derived from primary legal
materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials (Mungin, 2015).
According to Michaell Quinn Patton, data analysis is the process of organizing a
sequence of data, organizing it into a pattern, a category, and a basic description. He
distinguishes it from interpretation, which gives significant meaning to the analysis,
explains the patterns of the description, and looks for relationships among the dimensions
of the description. Data analysis is intended first of all organizing data. The data collected
is a lot and consists of field notes and researcher comments, pictures, photos, documents in
the form of reports, biographies, articles, and so on. The work of data analysis in this case
is to organize, sort, group, provide code, and categorize it. The main principle of qualitative
research is to find a theory from data or verify a new theory will be seen when the analysis
of that data begins to be carried out. Although its position is important, in itself this stage
of data analysis is only one part that is inseparable from other stages (Moleong, 2021).
1) Legal Arrangements Regarding The Authority Of Investigators In Detaining
Criminal TindAk Suspects To Realize Legal Certainty
Criminal law is a law that ( Moeljatno, 1992):
a. Determine which acts should not be done, prohibited, accompanied by
threats or sanctions in the form of certain criminal offenses for whoever
b. Determine when and in what respect those who have violated the
prohibition may be subject to or sentenced as has been threatened;
c. Determine the manner in which criminal imposition can be carried out if
there is a person who has violated it.
A criminal act as an act whose perpetrator can be subject to criminal punishment
and the perpetrator is the subject of a criminal act (Pradjodikoro, 1980). One of the
characteristics of the criminal law system is the responsibility of the perpetrator, for a
criminal act that has been committed, it is connected to a certain state of the offender's
mentality (Ranomihardja, 1994). Judging from the occurrence of a criminal act, a person
will be held accountable (criminalize the act if the act is unlawful, and there is no
enforcement of the unlawful nature or justification) for it (Kanter & Sianturi, 2002).
Criminal is a special definition related to criminal law (Hamzah, 2003). Efforts to
combat crime using criminal sanctions (laws) are the oldest way, as old as human
civilization itself (Muladi & Arief, 1984). Crime as a dynamic, growing and related social
phenomenon and complex societal structure, then also known as socio political problem
(Arief, 1996). Efforts to overcome criminal acts are included in the criminal policy.
Criminal policy is inseparable from broad policies, namely social policy consisting of
social welfare policy, and social defence policy (Arief, 2001).
Defenitively, criminal law can be divided into ius poenale and ius puniendi. Ius
puniendi is a subjective aspect that means the right toimpose a criminal offense (Hamzah,
2003). Meanwhile, Ius poenale is simply defined as a number of legal regulations that
contain prohibitions and orders or imperatives against prohibitions and orders or
imperatives against violators are threatened with criminal penalties (legal sanctions) for
those who realize them (Zainal, 2007). The definition states that there is a necessity to
Fitra Azli, Dahlan, Ramlan, Erniyanti, Fadlan / JOSR: Journal of Social Research, 1(12), 623-
threaten criminal sanctions against violators, so that criminal sanctions are an essential
element of criminal law.
In the study of criminal law, not only criminal sanctions are known but also action
sanctions (maatregel). To distinguish between criminal sanctions and maatregel can be
used the following opinion of Roeslah Saleh as a guideline. In many ways, the boundary
between criminal and action is theoretically difficult to determine with certainty, since
criminal in many ways also contains the mind of protecting and correcting. There is
practically no difficulty, since what is referred to in Article 10 of the Criminal Code is
criminal, while others of it are acts, for example: forced education, as in a child who is
handed over to the government to be educated, is placed in a psychiatric hospital with an
order because it cannot be accounted for because there is a growth of his mental disability
or (Putra & Abdul, 2010).
In principle, the criminal law regulates crimes and violations of the public interest
and the act is threatened with a criminal offense which is a suffering. Criminal procedural
law is a law that regulates how to maintain or organize material criminal law, so as to obtain
a judge's decision and the way in which the content of the decision is implemented (Andi,
2002). Criminal law or criminal procedural law has the function of implementing material
criminal law, meaning that it provides regulations on how the state by using its tools can
realize its authority to convict or release criminals (Andi, 2002).
Article 1 number 4 of the Criminal Procedure Code formulates that investigators
are officials of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia who are authorized by law to
carry out investigations. Furthermore, according to Article 4 of the Criminal Procedure
Code, those who are authorized to carry out the investigation function are every official of
the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia, strictly speaking, other than Police officials,
others are not authorized to conduct investigations. The investigation is the sole monopoly
of the National Police. Meanwhile, what is meant by an investigation according to Article
1 number 5 of the Criminal Procedure Code is a series of investigative actions to search for
and find an event that is suspected of being a criminal act in order to determine whether or
not it can be carried out according to the method regulated in this law.
Investigation comes from the word sidik which means terang, investigation means
to make light or clear, and bekas (fingerprint), investigating means looking for traces, in
this case traces of crime which means after the traces are collected the crime becomes light
(Soesilo, 1974). Investigation is a series of actions by the Investigator, in terms of those
regulated in the Criminal Procedure Code, according to the manner regulated in the
Criminal Procedure Code, and to find and collect evidence and to make light of a criminal
act and who the suspect is (Sitompul & Syahpenong, 2003). Article 1 number 1 jo Article
6 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code formulates that investigators are officials
of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia or certain civil servant officials who are
given special authority by law to conduct investigations. That in addition to the
investigator, in conducting the investigation, there is an auxiliary investigator who has the
same authority as the investigating authority as in Article 7 paragraph (1) of the Criminal
Procedure Code except regarding detention which must be given with the delegation of
authority from the investigator.
According to Article 1 number 14 of the Criminal Procedure Code, a suspect is a
person who, because of his actions or circumstances, based on preliminary evidence, is
suspected of being a criminal offender. In the Legal Dictionary, it means that a suspect is
a person who has been suspected of committing s(Andi Sofyan, 2017) a criminal offence
and this is still under preliminary examination to consider whether this suspect has
sufficient grounds to be examined at trial (T, Erwin, & Prasetyo, 1995). A suspect is a
person who is suspected of being the perpetrator of a criminal offense (Prints, 1989).
Article 1 number 21 of the Criminal Procedure Code, namely: Detention is the
placement of a suspect or defendant in a certain place by an investigator, or public
Fitra Azli, Dahlan, Ramlan, Erniyanti, Fadlan / JOSR: Journal of Social Research, 1(12), 623-
prosecutor or judge with its application, in terms of and in the manner provided for in this
The terms of detention consist of two parts , namely (Salam, 2001):
a.Terms oobjective or also called gronden van rechtmatigheid
The objective requirement is the basis for detention in terms of the criminal act,
namely the criminal act that is subject to detention. For this reason, it has been stipulated
in Article 21 paragraph (4) of the Criminal Procedure Code. Objective terms are absolute,
in the sense that if a criminal act committed by a suspect or defendant is not included in the
formulation of Article 21 paragraph (4) of the Criminal Procedure Code, then the suspect
or defendant cannot be subject to detention.
b.Subjective Terms or also called gronden van noodzakelijkheid
The subjective condition is the reason for detention in terms of the need for the
suspect or defendant to be detained. According to Article 21 paragraph (1) of the Criminal
Procedure Code, the need for a suspect or defendant to be detained due to circumstances
that raise concerns that:
1) The suspect or defendant will flee;
2) Tampering with or removing evidence;
3) Repeating criminal acts.
Subjective conditions are alternative, meaning that it does not need all three
conditions to be met, but one of the conditions alone is enough.
Criminal acts that can be detained as regulated by Article 21 paragraph (4) namely
that detention can only be imposed on suspects or defendants who have been proven to
have committed criminal acts and or probation or the provision of assistance in criminal
acts. Article 20 of the Criminal Procedure Code authorizes investigators, public
prosecutors or judges to make further detention or detention where each time they make
such detention, they must use a detention warrant
The details of detention in Indonesian criminal procedure law according to Articles
24 28 of the Criminal Procedure Code are as follows (Hamzah, 2010):
a. Detention by investigators or assistant investigators (20 days)
b. Extension by the public prosecutor (40 days
c. Detention by the public prosecutor (20 days)
d. Extension by the chief justice of the district court (30 days)
e. Detention by a district court judge (30 days)
f. Extension by the chief justice of the district court (60 days)
g. Detention by a high court judge (30 days)
h. Extension by the chief justice of the high court (60 days)
i. Detention by the Supreme Court (50 days)
j. Extension by the Chief Justice (60 days)
2.Consideration of Police Investigators in Detaining Criminal Suspects to
Realize Legal Certainty
Criminal investigation activities are carried out after it is known that there is an
alleged criminal act, either through reports, complaints, and criminal acts that are directly
known by the Police. Criminal investigation activities include the stages of preliminary
examination, summons or arrest, examination of suspects, reports on the results of
examinations, case titles and decisions on the detention of suspects.
In the course of the investigation, the suspect was detained. There are
considerations of investigators detaining suspects among others (Interview with Akp FS,
Kanit IV Jatanras Sat Reskrim, n.d.) :
a.Suspect Is The Target Of Operation
b.Suspects of Serious Criminal Acts
c.Suspect Where He Lives Unclear
Fitra Azli, Dahlan, Ramlan, Erniyanti, Fadlan / JOSR: Journal of Social Research, 1(12), 623-
d. Suspects of Committing Criminal Acts that are the Attention of the Leader
e.The case that occurred teIah was reported oIeh media and received very wide
attention from the public
Article 31 of the Criminal Procedure Code states that a suspect or defendant can
apply for a suspension, the suspension can be granted by the Investigator, Public
Prosecutor, Judge in accordance with their respective authorities by determining the
presence or absence of money or person guarantees based on certain conditions and if such
conditions are violated then the suspension can be revoked and the suspect or defendant
can be detained again.
The investigator also has a basis for granting a suspension of detention, because of
the belief of the investigator that the applicant can meet the terms of the agreement agreed
between the investigator and the applicant, and the most basic is the most important
indicator of concern so that the investigator does not feel worried about the applicant's
ability to meet the agreed requirements, for example, there has been peace with the victim,
and is willing to be present and cooperative if needed by the Investigator / Investigator
Maid (Interview with Akp FS, Kanit IV Jatanras Sat Reskrim, n.d.) .
A phenomenal idea aimed at law enforcement officials especially so as not to be
shackled to legal positivism. So far, there has been a lot of injustice to justice seekers in
enforcing the law, because law enforcement is a series of processes that describe values,
ideas, minds that are quite abstract that are the purpose of the law. The purpose of the law
or the mind of law begins with moral values, such as justice and truth. These values must
be able to be embodied in real reality. The existence of law is recognized if the moral values
contained in the law are able to be implemented or not.
Conceptionally, the essence of the meaning of law enforcement lies in the activity
of harmonizing the relationship of values described in stable rules and interpreting the
attitude of action as a series of elaboration of final stage values, to create, maintain and
maintain the peace of life associations (Satjipto, 2000).
3.Legal consequences of investigators' actions in detaining criminal suspects
to realize legal certainty
The principle of equality before the law in Indonesia states that the use of detention
institutions always confronts two fundamental interests, namely the interest to uphold the
human rights of individuals (suspects/defendants) and the right of the state to restrict the
freedom of movement of a person suspected of committing a criminal act. This principle
carries the consequences of being enforced in every area of the law, including criminal
procedure. In this regard, the spirit of the principle of equality before the law in the field of
criminal procedural law, especially in the criminal justice process which is a sub-system of
criminal justice, there is a principle that is a pillar, namely the principle of presumption of
innocence, that every suspect and defendant must be presumed innocent before his guilt is
proved in court and stated in the judgment that has had the force of law fixed.
The Criminal Procedure Code has created a new institution called pretrial that has
the task of maintaining the order of preliminary examinations and to protect suspects and
defendants against the actions of investigators/police and/or public prosecutors/prosecutors
who violate the law and harm suspects. Pretrial as specified in Article 1 number 10 of the
Criminal Procedure Code is the authority of the state judiciary to examine and decide
according to the manner provided for in the law, including:
1. Whether or not an arrest and detention is lawful at the request of the
suspect or his family or others on the suspect's control.
2. Whether or not the termination of the investigation or the termination of
the prosecution on request is valid for the sake of law and justice.
Fitra Azli, Dahlan, Ramlan, Erniyanti, Fadlan / JOSR: Journal of Social Research, 1(12), 623-
3. A request for damages for rehabilitation by the suspect or his family for
another party on his behalf whose case was not brought before the court.
Article 77 of the Criminal Procedure Code specifies that the district court has the
authority to examine and decide in accordance with the provisions stipulated in this law,
1. Whether or not an arrest, detention, termination of investigation
or termination of prosecution is lawful.
2. Indemnification and or rehabilitation for a person whose
criminal case is terminated at the level of investigation or
After the Constitutional Court Decision Number 21/PUU-XII/2014, the
determination of suspects is included in one of its pretrial domains. Therefore, pretrial is
part of the district court held to provide protection for the human rights of suspects or
defendants in criminal justice so that supervision is needed by the judge.
The control function will be more visible and effective when any action / event that
deviates from the provisions of the law can be immediately prevented or legal action is
carried out for the sake of law and justice, as well as legal certainty. Also, the pretrial
control function will review the legal actions that the law enforcement official has taken
that have been appropriate or proportionate, in relation to the legal actions taken by the
investigator or public prosecutor or judge. Whether it is in accordance with the procedure
of statutory provisions or not (Interview with Akp FS, Kanit IV Jatanras Sat Reskrim, n.d.)
a. In conducting an investigation, arrests can be made against suspects. The legal
regulation regarding the investigator's authority to detain suspects is contained in
Article 20 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code which states: For the
purposes of investigation, the investigator or auxiliary investigator by order of the
investigator as referred to in Article 11 is authorized to make detention.
b. Factors that influence the consideration of the Police Investigator in exercising his
authority over the detention of suspects are fears that the suspect will run away and
repeat his actions towards the victim, in addition to that detention is carried out
considering that the suspect is the target of the operation, the suspect where he lives
is far unclear, the suspect commits a criminal act that is the attention of the
leadership, the case that occurred has been reported by the mass media and received
widespread attention from community. Meanwhile, the investigator's
consideration of not making arrests of suspects is due to an application not to be
detained (suspension of detention), with a letter of bail not to escape, repeating
deeds, eliminating evidence, and cooperatively requested by the Family which was
granted by the Investigator, and there has been peace with the victim.
c. The legal consequence of the actions of the Police investigator in exercising his
authority over the detention of suspects, that in making detentions, they must still
pay attention to the rights of suspects, and suspects can apply for pretrial.
a. Detention of suspects should be regulated in a regulation capable of reaching the
values of justice, by changing, adding, or refining the rules for detention of suspects
based on the values of justice
Fitra Azli, Dahlan, Ramlan, Erniyanti, Fadlan / JOSR: Journal of Social Research, 1(12), 623-
b. Detention of a suspect or defendant should be used if there is no other option to
address the risk of the suspect or defendant escaping or endangering the public
c. Investigators should remain cautious and careful with discretion to consider an
application for suspension of detention before deciding whether or not an
application for suspension of detention from a suspect can be granted in order to
minimize the possibilities that may hinder the investigation process during the
suspension of detention.
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