Fitra Azli, Dahlan, Ramlan, Erniyanti, Fadlan / JOSR: Journal of Social Research, 1(12), 623-
threaten criminal sanctions against violators, so that criminal sanctions are an essential
element of criminal law.
In the study of criminal law, not only criminal sanctions are known but also action
sanctions (maatregel). To distinguish between criminal sanctions and maatregel can be
used the following opinion of Roeslah Saleh as a guideline. In many ways, the boundary
between criminal and action is theoretically difficult to determine with certainty, since
criminal in many ways also contains the mind of protecting and correcting. There is
practically no difficulty, since what is referred to in Article 10 of the Criminal Code is
criminal, while others of it are acts, for example: forced education, as in a child who is
handed over to the government to be educated, is placed in a psychiatric hospital with an
order because it cannot be accounted for because there is a growth of his mental disability
or (Putra & Abdul, 2010).
In principle, the criminal law regulates crimes and violations of the public interest
and the act is threatened with a criminal offense which is a suffering. Criminal procedural
law is a law that regulates how to maintain or organize material criminal law, so as to obtain
a judge's decision and the way in which the content of the decision is implemented (Andi,
2002). Criminal law or criminal procedural law has the function of implementing material
criminal law, meaning that it provides regulations on how the state by using its tools can
realize its authority to convict or release criminals (Andi, 2002).
Article 1 number 4 of the Criminal Procedure Code formulates that investigators
are officials of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia who are authorized by law to
carry out investigations. Furthermore, according to Article 4 of the Criminal Procedure
Code, those who are authorized to carry out the investigation function are every official of
the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia, strictly speaking, other than Police officials,
others are not authorized to conduct investigations. The investigation is the sole monopoly
of the National Police. Meanwhile, what is meant by an investigation according to Article
1 number 5 of the Criminal Procedure Code is a series of investigative actions to search for
and find an event that is suspected of being a criminal act in order to determine whether or
not it can be carried out according to the method regulated in this law.
Investigation comes from the word sidik which means terang, investigation means
to make light or clear, and bekas (fingerprint), investigating means looking for traces, in
this case traces of crime which means after the traces are collected the crime becomes light
(Soesilo, 1974). Investigation is a series of actions by the Investigator, in terms of those
regulated in the Criminal Procedure Code, according to the manner regulated in the
Criminal Procedure Code, and to find and collect evidence and to make light of a criminal
act and who the suspect is (Sitompul & Syahpenong, 2003). Article 1 number 1 jo Article
6 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code formulates that investigators are officials
of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia or certain civil servant officials who are
given special authority by law to conduct investigations. That in addition to the
investigator, in conducting the investigation, there is an auxiliary investigator who has the
same authority as the investigating authority as in Article 7 paragraph (1) of the Criminal
Procedure Code except regarding detention which must be given with the delegation of
authority from the investigator.
According to Article 1 number 14 of the Criminal Procedure Code, a suspect is a
person who, because of his actions or circumstances, based on preliminary evidence, is
suspected of being a criminal offender. In the Legal Dictionary, it means that a suspect is
a person who has been suspected of committing s(Andi Sofyan, 2017) a criminal offence
and this is still under preliminary examination to consider whether this suspect has
sufficient grounds to be examined at trial (T, Erwin, & Prasetyo, 1995). A suspect is a
person who is suspected of being the perpetrator of a criminal offense (Prints, 1989).
Article 1 number 21 of the Criminal Procedure Code, namely: Detention is the
placement of a suspect or defendant in a certain place by an investigator, or public